Wednesday 20 April 2016


When it came to making a website I had absolutely no clue what to do or where to start. So I thought I would have a look at other websites to see what I liked, I was torn between really exiting busy websites and simple ones.

At first I asked a graphic designer to help me make a website and it was really busy with lots of graphics features. It also didn’t focus on a specific type of photography it was more about weddings and food photography where I wanted to showcase the product still life side to my work.  

I decided to bin that website and started at looking at site builders so I could try and do it myself. I had started making a couple so I could decide what one I liked the most and which was easiest to use. I had asked a couple of people what one they thought was working well and I chose to carry on with the wix sight builder.  

Once I had got going with building my website I wanted to check that I looked okay when using a mobile. It looked completely different but it was easy enough to change it around so it suited me.

I have experimented a lot on how I want my website to look but I think for now I have kept it very simple there are a few things I will carry on trying to change but I think for now I am fairly happy with it.

The things I would change is that when you click on an image I would rather the background to be white rather than black but I haven’t been able to find the function on wix to change it so for now I am going through my images and making sure they have white boarders to stand out against the black but this is going to take a bit of time. But once its done all the images will be the same size and will load on the page better.

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