Monday 18 April 2016

5 Year Plan

Year 1
I will start by working in a pub to get out of my overdraft, as well as trying to get as much photography work in the local area and across social media.
2 weddings booked
1 social event
9 day contract photographing go racing in Yorkshire festival week 
Assisting a military photographer
Assisting a racecourse photographer  

By the end of this year I would have liked to of earned enough to go travelling and a bit left over for my savings.
£5000 goal

Year 2

Year 3
Make sure my website and CV are up to date and ready to be sent out for job applications. Carry on working wherever I can (Photography jobs/ restraints/ pubs/ housekeeping) to ear money to move out and re locate.

Year 4
Be in a job that is letting me live comfortable and save money to put down a mortgage on a property.

Year 5

Climb in my job or find a new one that suites me, check that I am doing what I want to be and if not re evaluate and find out what it is that I need to do to get to where I want to be. If I still want to be a product photographer.  

Re locating to Leeds 

£5,400 a year roughly on rent 
£1,040 a year roughly on gas and electric 
£1,040 a year on fuel 
£400 insurance 
£200 road tax 
£1,560 food shopping 
= 9,640

£19,000 salary

£9,360 left after living expenses   

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