Tuesday 19 April 2016

Duck Rabbit

I had wanted to try a bit of filming to widen my skills set. I had heard of duck rabbit and had decided to have a look at the kind of work they produce. It looked really well done but simple. So I set myself up in the studio, I had written myself a script and got the lighting focused on a classmate ready to start filming. I pressed start and sat in the chair, everything I said sounded so un natural and I didn’t know where to look. So I tried again but this time I stood behind the camera to feel more relaxed, but I was still getting mind blocks where I didn’t know what to say even though I had the words written down in front of me. I thought I could edit it and add pictures for a visual but it was to hard with the amount of pauses I did. I think I will defiantly try it again but think of a different way to film it so it looked more exiting.

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