Tuesday 19 April 2016

Hosting an exhibition in London

London exhibition summer 2016
***URGENT*** For those of you who are determined to hold our Third year degree exhibition in an environment where your work will be seen, appreciated and provide opportunities for you all, London - Free Range show (Trueman brewery) is currently looking at around £250pp for 10 students and obviously considerably cheaper the more that come! I will be in London from the 12th of December and there for able to view the venue. Can i please get a confirmation on here signifying the amount of people that would like me to push this further with the nearly Definite decision to proceed with this choice ASAP. 
Much appreciation -
Your student rep 

Hi everyone, just to let you know their was no other additional cost to the exhibition costs insurance wise. so for all the people that I got a yes from the other week the price is still £20 deposit and a further £43 to be paid a month in advance. We are currently looking at booking it from the 10th till the 17th one day setting up and one day taking down. (We can also sell work and they don't take a commission) CHING CHING!
Accommodation and transport is down to you to arrange for yourself, but if anyone is interested after a pro studies lesson we could all have a look and book a hostel together for those who don't have places to stay down their. Also the Mega bus is really cheep it's looking around £10 or if you book a Grand Central train 3 months in advance you can find £30 deals.
As for taking prints down there, I am going to be taking all mine in a suite case and back pack. So it's up to on how you want to get them down there.
So if we could get final definite yes's we can give a final price and collect the deposits on wednesday. So if it's a YES from you let us know by leaving a comment.

Can I remind everyone the deadline is THIS WEDNESDAY for the London exhibition deposit. Can you PLEASE confirm ASAP, for those of you who haven't already, as this will determine the final price. The more people- the cheaper it is. Thanks

These were the emails sent out in the Facebook group, as it was the most convenient way to contact people as Facebook is checked more than emails. Me and the other student rep had various phone calls with the owners of the gallery space to make sure insurance was cover, if there was someone to watch our work, if a commission was taken if there were any photos sold and if we could have music and a projector up throughout the day.  

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