Thursday 21 April 2016


Louise Pollard 

Jodie is a very rounded and capable young lady, who is confident and outgoing, whilst being conscientious in her studies and work.  She has worked for me during her holidays at university and was recommended to me by another photographer in the Catterick area.

Since then she has applied herself in everything that she’s done whilst working for me and has brought a fresh new version to what we had previously seen in our social crowed shots.  Her rolls included photographing family fun days to promote a handful of Yorkshire racecourses, social media work for the summer festival and shadowing me whilst photographing the winning horses and jockeys being let into the winners enclosures.  After completing her first shift on the racecourse, photographing a charity camel race I was so impressed that I had no doubts about offering her more work.

She prepares properly and is always keen to get started on any assignment and isn’t afraid to ensure everything is completed to a high standard before packing up.

Jodie would be an asset to any business, as she is willing to work hard and learns quickly. Her personality is well suited to working with people, as she’s a positive person with a lively character, without being too overpowering.

If I was in a position to offer Jodie full time employment, I would not hesitate to do so but in the circumstances I wish her well and would recommend her to any prospective employer.

Business Cards

I had ordered packs of sample cards so I could decide what type I wanted without having to pay for it first. I knew by looking at other people’s business cards that I would either like them to be textured or really think. When the sample pack arrived I know that it was the lux cards that I was going to get after feeling the quality.

Just like my logo I wanted my business cards to resemble simplicity and sharpness, so I’m sticking to black and white. But looking for good quality cards to give them that edge. 

Playing around with how I want the back to look like to try and make boarders for the bleed lines on moo.

When they arrived I was really happy with how they turned out the only change I would make for next time is to make some of the font bigger.

Post cards


When these arrived I was unhappy with how they looked, as the bleed lines looked fine when I uploaded them but when they arrived there were white lines on two sides.

I wanted to put in a couple of samples of how I would possible sell prints, So I found these mounts with plastic covers witch I thought looked pretty smart. 

Wednesday 20 April 2016


I had been experimenting with layouts and styles and like my business cards and website I wanted to keep it quite simple. So I started with simple black and white with my logo but this was maybe just a little to simple.

Once I had shown my first attempt to a couple of friends they suggested some things that I could change. And this made it look much more professional in comparison.

To keep everything the same I made a last minute change and kept it black, which I think looks much smarter to keep everything in its uniform.

I also thought it would be helpful to have a letterhead for the wedding side of my photography as this is one of they ways to make a bit of money on the side.