Monday 14 March 2016

Twenty Twenty Creative Agency

Having had Frede Spencer come in and speak about what an agency does and how to contact them had opened my mind a bit more to what actually happens at an agency, and what the roll of an agent did. In my mind an Agent was someone who had a long list of photographers and other creative types of people on a list and they assigned these people off to jobs that they would rake in a huge percentage of the profit, sit back and watch the money roll in.

NOW, I am aware that that’s not the case. The agent’s job is to be the middleman on shoots to make sure the clients are happy and things are running smoothly. This is because it’s not just the photographer’s work that is going to be tarnished if it was a bad shoot. It would also be the agency’s reputation that would be mentioned if something were to go wrong. It is also good for them to be the middleman for money or any disagreements the client has they can be a person that they go to rather than the photographer who is trying to work.

Frede Spencer has 6 carefully selected people working for him and they all have different skills some photographer some sculptors and art directors. A tip helpful tip that he gave was that if you were looking at joining an agency that 

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