Thursday 17 March 2016

Dan Holdsworth

If I were to take one thing away from Dan Holdworlth talk it would be that you could never do too much research. Even if it takes over 10 years. Research has been a huge part in his work and even become some of the key pieces with in his archive.

His work goes into so much depth is seems to be something completely new, and the fact that he is on the cusps of starting to invent some of his own data reading technology is rather impressive to his commitment to the project. To be honest some of it went straight over my head when he talking about it, as it was so much to get my mind around to start with. But even still it was so interesting that I would go to another one of his talks to see how he can extend the work he’s done so far and to maybe start to understand it a bit more. I think because it was something he was so interested in and had been photographing for so many years it gave the images a whole new meaning to if you were to just see them hung up without knowing anything about them.

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