Monday 14 March 2016


When learning about pricing and costing I have found that it is important to work out what your overheads are before you start thinking of a charge. This is because you need to take into account how much a job is going to cost you in petrol, materials, studio space if needed and models or props. When you get that price it is easier to then think what you would like from it for your time and skills with the added overheads.

Workflow - Taking the photos and how long it would take to edit then and hand them to the clients.

Breaking even - managing to cover the cost of what it cost you to do but with no profit.

Loss - not covering expenses and overheads.

Profit - earning an investment for future work by charging more than covering expenses.

Managing the work flow you have is also important as if you are doing a high volume job for in a high quality, you want to be charging the right amount for what that work is worth. This type of job would be something working in advertising that needs high quality pictures in a frequent magazine or something along them lines. e.g the Argos catalogue.

While setting up a own business with the covering expenses it is important to avoid breaking even as the business is going to be the money that will fund you for your living expense and what will fund the business to advance and expand possible.

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