Friday 18 March 2016

Black and White Image

Having a image and making it black and white my not sound like the trickiest of jobs to do on Photoshop. But who new there was more than a couple of ways, and that the results would be obviously different?

It may not seam to look much different in tones and highlights to start with, but when they are all placed next to each other there is an obvious difference between them all.

As a studding commercial photographer these techniques don’t really apple to me as much as they would for the fine artist, as my aim would be to show the likeness of a product and by taking the colour away from it would defeat the task of showing it’s likeness and it’s selling points.


I always knew I wanted a really simple logo as I personally think it looks clean and smart. So I simply went with my initials to start with.  

I had my logo made by a friend and originally it was orange. But I know straight away I wanted black and white so once I had got the documents I did the changes I wanted and they didn’t mind.

I then started to play around with how else I could make it look, so I started to experiment with boarders while still trying to keep it simple.